Other services

Africa: Kenya: Frogs of the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest
Australia: Queensland: Herps of North Queensland
Australia: Queensland: Frogs of the Townsville Region
Australia: Queensland: Reptiles of the Townsville Region
Australia: Queensland: Lizards of the Australian Wet Tropics
American Society of
Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, June 1996
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Amphibian Embryology Tutorial
Animal Diversity Web
- Lissamphibia
- Reptilia
American Federation of Herpetolculturists
Australian Museum: Herpetology
Australian National Botanical Gardens: Frog Page
Australian Herpetology Web Site
Axolotl Colony (The Indiana University)
Australian National University Bioinformatics Hypermedia Service
Big Apple Herpetological
California Academy of Sciences (USA)
Cornell Biodiversity and Biological Collections WWW Server
Catalog of Herpetology books available from Koeltz Scientific Books
Crocodilian Biology Bibliography
Crocodile Corner
Classification of Reptiles
California Academy of Sciences: Department of Herpetology gopher
Centenial Museum (The University of Texas at El-Paso) Herpetology
Dragon Doings (Komodo Dragon Page) at National Zoo
De Montfort University (UK): Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
Desert Serpent Reptiles
Declining Amphibian Population Task Force FROGLOG
Europe: Great Britain: Amphibians of Britain
Florida Museum of Natural History: Herpetology
Fauna of Australia
Frank and Kate's Herpetological Web Page
Herp Haven (online magazine)
Herp Link
Herpetology (Reptiles and Amphibians)
Herpetological Web Resources
Herp Internet Resources FAQ
Herpetologists League
HERPMED (information on medical aspects of herpetology)
HERPMED: North American Snakebite Emergency First-Aid
Herps of Hawaii
Interactive Frog Dissection
Internet Discussion Groups
Institut Jacques Monod (Paris, France): Research on Reptile Sex Determination
Internet Jungle
James Cook University: Herpetological Research
Liza Daly's Herp Page (FAQ's, care sheets from rec.pets.herp and much more)
Marshall Middle School (Olympia, Washington, USA): Amphibian Page
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (UC Berkeley, USA) Amphibian and Reptile Collection
Museum of Southwestern Biology (University of New Mexico) Herpetology
Mike Pingleton's Herp Page
Natural Toxins and Poisons in Snakes (National University of Singapore)
National Biological Survey (USA)
National Biological Survey (USA) Inventory and Monitoring Group
National Zoo (Washington, DC)
Nebraska Behavioral Biology Group
North America: Amphibians and Reptiles of North America
North America: Snakes of North America
North America: Iowa: Herps of Iowa
North America: Massachusetts: Snakes of Massachusetts
North America: Mississippi: Checklist of Mississippi Amphibians
North America: North Dakota: Herps of North Dakota
North America: Washington: Amphibians of Washington
North American Amphibian Monitoring Program
NetVet - Amphibian Home Page
National Zoo Lecture Center (look under "Living with Dragons")
Peabody Museum (Yale University, USA) Herpetology Collection
Reptile sex determination
Reptile Solutions
Rebecca Sobol's interest page
Shai Kowett's Herp Images
Southwestern Herpetologists Society
Sandra Loosemore's FROGGY Page (misc. links, pictures, sounds, and more)
Shelly Johnson's Home Page
Schools: Colleges and Universities Offering Instruction in Herpetology
Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR)
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Herpetology Section
Texas Natural History Collections (TNHC) Herpetology (University of Texas, Austin)
Third World Congress of Herpetologists, Prague, August 1997
Thad Berkebile's Reptile Page
Terry Kirk's Python Page
Tom Buchanan's Herp Page (UK)
Turtle Trax (Marine Turtles Page)
Tree of Life Project -
- Amphibia
- Dinosaurs
University of Bristol (UK) School of Biological Sciences: Crocodile Corner
University of Canberra: Applied Ecology Research Group Herp Page
University of Michigan: Museum of Zoology: Herpetology Division
University of New Mexico: Herpetology
University of Texas at Austin: Texas Natural History Collections (TNHC) Herpetology
University of Texas at El-Paso: Herpetology
University of Washington, Seattle (USA): Western Palearctic Water Frogs Page
University of Western Sydney (Hawkesbury): Herpetology Page
Victorian Frog Page
Venom Supplies
Xenopus molecular markers
Xenopus Page
Whole Frog project
Organization of Biological Field Stations

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