Loggerhead is widely distributed in costal tropic and subtropic waters around the world.
Commonly this species wanders into temperature waters, and it is the also the only species
which nest in temperature regions. Primarily species is inhabitant of continental shores of warm
seas, common in shallow waters. Some specimens can undertake long migrations using warm
currents (e.g. Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic).
Major nesting grounds are located in the southeastern USA (Florida, South Carolina).
Loggerhead is the most common species in the Mediterranean and in the Adriatic Sea too. The
major nesting sites of Mediterranean population are in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. There are
also nesting activities on Libyan, Syrian, Israel, Tunisian and Egyptian coast as well. The female
nesting population of this species in the Mediterranean is estimated on about 5,000 specimens.
Nesting usually occurs every two to three years, during the spring and summer, with peak in July. In one nesting season female have between two and five clutches, with renesting frequency intervals of about two weeks. Clutch size varies from minimum of 23 to maximum of 190 eggs per clutch. Incubation period generally varies between 50 and 65 days.
The length of hatchlings (straight carapace length) is between 33.5 and 55 mm. It is estimated that they reach sexual maturity in about 30 years, when they carapace length is in range from 70 to 90 cm.