Name: Croatian Natural History Museum
Title: Adriatic Marine Turtle Tagging-Project
Implementing Organization:
- Department of Zoology, Croatian Natural History Museum
- "Natura" Croatian Society for Conservation of Nature
Date of Submission: February 1996.
Duration of the Project: Three years
Project Summary:
Marine turtles are among to the most endangered animal group today, in threat of extinction all over the world. According to preliminary research carried out in the last two years (1993-1995), they are much more frequent in the Adriatic Sea than it was previously supposed. Incidental catch of at least 2,500 specimens per year was estimated only for eastern part of the Adriatic Sea. According to the last analysis there is a possibility of existence of overwintering areas in the Adriatic also, as the most of incidental catch is occurring by trawlers during the winter period.
The global Action Plan for the conservation of Mediterranean Marine Turtles of UNEP/MAP and "Barcelona Convention" defines, beside others, (1.) protection and management of overwintering areas, (2.) banning of exploitation and minimization of incidental catch, (3.) study of population dynamic and migration patterns, and (4.) public awareness as a priority aims.
Adriatic Marine Turtle Tagging-Project is based on Barcelona Convention, which was signed by Croatia also. The Project is planed as international one, between Croatian Government and UNEP/MAP RAC-SPA Tunis, as a start of actual realization of all accepted documents for protection of Mediterranean, and marine turtles in particular.
The main aims of the Project are to study (1.) migration and (2.) overwintering patterns
of marine turtles in the Adriatic, through the tagging program along the Croatian coast.
Furthermore, all propaganda activities that should follow research (3. public awareness program)
will help in (4.) active protection of species (in regard of minimization of incidental catch and
exploitation), and (5.) protection of some areas (habitants), according the results of Project. In
that context, Croatian Marine Turtle Project should be a part of unique marine turtles
conservation efforts, through tagging programme among the all Mediterranean countries,
coordinated and planed by RAC-SPA in Tunis.
Project should by carried out in two ways: (1.) Through the Stationary Teams of biologist
in 10 "field-centers" (existent institutes, national parks and natural history museums along the
Croatian coast), and (2.) through the Mobile Teams of volunteers for covering important fishing
harbors during the winter season. The professional fishermen will be informed about starting the
Project through fishing-societies, Croatian Ministry of Fisheries, written material (brochures),
medias (television, local radio stations and newspapers), as through the personal field-contacts
and lectures.
Scientific part of the Project (research) will be lead and coordinate by Project-Board and Dept.of
Zool., Croatian Nat.His. Museum as a Project focal-point. Public awareness program,
conservation and participation of volunteers will be organized through the NGO ("Natura").
Collecting (delivering) of turtles for tagging (re-tagging) should be organized in two ways: (1.) Directly from fishing boat to contact person in nearest field-center on coast, or (2.) indirectly, with Croatian Patrol of Sea Police as a link between fishermen and researcher. In all field-bases there are employed biologists, who should be specially trained for handling marine turtles. For injured specimens, three rescue centers will be establish: in Aquarium in Rovinj, in Krka National Park, and in Aquarium in Dubrovnik.
All gathered data will be collect at the Center of the Project (Croatian Nat. His. Mus., Zagreb), and transfer to focal-point of Mediterranean project, UNEP/MAP RAC-SPA in Tunis.
Proposed Project make possible to organize effective service for tagging and collecting data on recaptured specimens along the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea. That is the only way to find out unknown aspects of marine turtle biology, primary concerning the migration patterns and overwintering activities. That would help in future active protection and management of marine turtles in the Adriatic, as a part of the Mediterranean basin.