Adriatic Dolphin Project

Scientific contributions

Bearzi, G., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Bonomi, L. 1992. Bottlenose dolphins off Croatia: a socio-ecological study. European Research on Cetaceans 6:130-133.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Lauriano, G., Balenovic, V., Zahtila, E. 1993. The Cres-Losinj dolphin Reserve: proposal for the institution of a marine reserve in the waters adjacent to the eastern coast of Cres and Losinj. Document prepared for the Cres-Losinj Management Plan. 14 p.

Bearzi, G., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Politi, E. In press. Photoidentification-based short-term tracking of bottlenose dolphins resident in the KvarneriC (Northern Adriatic Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 9.

Bearzi, G., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Politi, E., Lauriano, G. 1993. Social ecology and behavior of bottlenose dolphins in the waters adjacent to the island of Losinj (Croatia). 10th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. Galveston, TX, November 12-15, 1993.

Bearzi, G., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Politi, E., Lauriano, G. 1994. Ecology and behaviour of bottlenose dolphins near the island of Losinj and Cres (Croatia). Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the Croatian Biological Society. Pula, October 3-7, 1994.

Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Bearzi, G. 1992. Cetaceans in the Northern Adriatic Sea: past, present, and future. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 33:303.

Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Bearzi, G. 1993. Cetaceans in the Northern Adriatic Sea: past, present, and future. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Croatian Biological Society, Zagreb. P. 87.

Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Bearzi, G., Bonomi, L. 1991. Bottlenose dolphins off Croatia: photoidentification and behavioral observations. 9th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. Chicago, ILL, December 5-9, 1991.

Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Holcer, D., Bearzi, G. 1994. Past and present status of cetaceans in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea. Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the Croatian Biological Society. Pula, October 3-7, 1994.

Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Venturino, M.C., Zanardelli, M., Bearzi, G., Borsani, F.J., Cavalloni, B. 1993. Cetaceans in the Central Mediterranean Sea: distribution and sighting frequencies. Boll. Zool. 60:131-138.

Peharda, M., Bearzi, G. 1993. Surfacing patterns of bottlenose dolphins in the Cres-Losinj area (Northern Adriatic Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 7:73-76.

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