Dobrisa's Own Homepage
Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity

Hi! My name is Dobrisa. Dobrisa Dobrenic. For those who knows me sometimes even Dragisa. And for some others Ugljesa. Ugljesa Ugljenic.

But that is not an issue here. The most important part is that I am a guru. Guru for network setup! So if you have any, but really any problems with unix, network setup or even you want to know how to read newsgroups or send e-mail messages do not hesitate to call or e-mail me on And also to all of you who are satisfied users of @jagor, you can also e-mail me and tell me all about your problems. If nothing else I will for sure be able to direct you to somebody who will be able to help (mainly

Of course this help will not be for free, but we will i guess manage something like i did with those Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity people. In its essence our deal was that since i am a guru of network and have no clue how to prepare HTML documents, they will maintain my homepage, put all the relevant information about me and from time to time post to all the newsgroups the following message: "We, small people of Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity, are gratefull to DOBRISA, who is our dear friend and kind man. Thank You dear Dobrisa." Also they are supposed to pay my coffe, gift me with some house plants (so that my girl thinks how i love her and think of here etc. when i come home with the plant, and of course this have to be some rare plant from the Botanical garden) and always be polite and nice, never to gossip about me and talk how @jagor is the best machine in the whole world. And in return I will put some of my light into their/your miserable lives and make their and their Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity work. So as you can see i do not ask much.

Here you can also find some of my most fawourite links to some pages other than mine. These are:

Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity
Croatian Information Service for Environment
Division of Biology, University of Zagreb
S R C E, Zagreb

and will not find link to

CARNet, since i work in the opposite institution and that is S R C E

For the end i can only shout:


Disclaimer: Dobrisa didn't write a thing here. His homepage is done by gratefull people of the Croatian Information Service for Biodiversity!