This study deals with the analysis of entomological collections
of Croatian Natural History Museum, new-collected material and
literature treating fauna Rhopalocera in Croatia. It has been
concluded that in the area of Velebit it is registered 117 (Tab.
2) daily butterfly species that makes about 80-90 % of assumed
number. It gives the review of localities in areas of northern,
middle and southern Velebit on which has been recorded the
existence of daily butterflies, as well as detail review of fauna
Rhopalocera of Velebit with localities of species findings. The
most of species has been recorded in northern Velebit (100), 67
in middle Velebit and in southern the least (60), that shows that
the last two areas are unsufficiently researched. Also, the
zoogeographical analysis of fauna Rhopalocera in Velebit and its
geographical parts (northern, middle and southern Velebit) has
been given, which showed that in fauna Rhopalocera of Velebit the
eurosibirian species is dominating (Tab. 2, 4). Comapison between
faunas of horthern, middle and southern Velebit points out the
higher level of similarity between the faunas of northern and
middle Velebit than between the faunas of middle and southern
Velebit, even more so between northern and southern Velebit. More
sistematic analysis of faunistic characteristics of that Velebit
parts can be performed after additional researches, especially
of the middle and southern parts.
DNEVNI LEPTIRI VELEBITA (Povratak na prvu stranicu)