Address: Marulićev Trg 9a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Telephone: +3851 48 44 051, Fax: +3851 4844 001
List of courses:
Plant Anatomy
Introduction to Botany
Medicinal Plants
General Virology
Virology and Oncology
General Phytopathology
Subviral Infective Molecules
Methods of Nucleid Acid Investigations
International collaboration:
1. Karl.Franzens Universitt, Institut fr Pflanzenphysiologie, Graz, Austria.
2. Universita degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Protezione della Piante dalle Malattie e Centro di Studio del CNR sui Virusi e le Virosi delle Colture Mediterranee, Bari, Italy.
3. Institut fr Biochemie und Pflanzenvirologie der BBA (Biologische Bundesanstalt fr Land- u Forstwirtschaft ), Braunschweig, Germany
4. Pannonia University of Agricultural Sciences, Kesthely, Hungary.