Department of Botany II

Laboratory for Plant Virology

Address: Marulićev Trg 9a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Telephone: +3851 48 44 051, Fax: +3851 4844 001


1. Nikola Juretić, Full Professor
2. Nada Pleše, Full Professor
3. Ana Zlata Štefanac, Full Professor
4. Mladen Krajačić, Ph. D. Associate Professor
5. Gordana Rusak, Ph.D. Teaching/Research Assistant
6. Dijana Škorić, Ph.D., Teaching/Research Assistant
7. Martina Šeruga, B.Sc., Teaching/Research Assistant
8. Mirna Ćurković Perica Ph.D. Teaching/Research Assistant


List of courses:

Plant Anatomy
Introduction to Botany
Medicinal Plants
General Virology
Virology and Oncology
General Phytopathology
Subviral Infective Molecules
Methods of Nucleid Acid Investigations

International collaboration:

1. Karl.Franzens Universitt, Institut fr Pflanzenphysiologie, Graz, Austria.
2. Universita degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Protezione della Piante dalle Malattie e Centro di Studio del CNR sui Virusi e le Virosi delle Colture Mediterranee, Bari, Italy.
3. Institut fr Biochemie und Pflanzenvirologie der BBA (Biologische Bundesanstalt fr Land- u Forstwirtschaft ), Braunschweig, Germany
4. Pannonia University of Agricultural Sciences, Kesthely, Hungary.

Department of Botany