I The European subarea

A The lowlands belt

Here we find the common European animals such as the fox, the marten , the skunk, the weasel, the badger, the otter , the rabbit, the shrew, the mole, the bulk of rodents among which is also the muskrat (Ondatra zibethica). Then various bats, wild boar (Sus scrofa), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), deers. A great variety of song birds, owls, cuckoos, hoopoes, numerous Falconidae, pidgeons, woodpeckers, storks, herons, kingfishers, ducks, coots, bustards and others can also be found here. The reptile and insect fauna is also rich and diverse. The fish fauna is dominated by cyprinid fishes (Cyprinidae).

Common are aqueous gravelly layers where some very old and unchanged species live (some crabs and Hydracarinae).

1. The Subalpine- Slavonian part is colonized by the common european species.
Only in the mountain parts can we find some animals of the southern mountain area.

2. Srijem has planty of steppe rodents (hamsters, ground squirrels and mole rat) and
numerous bog birds. Here we can find the protected natural objects: Lonjsko Polje,
Krapje Djol i Kopacki rit.

B The mountain belt

The kras with all its relief varieties promotes the formation of a very diverse animal life within which in separate vrtace (the hole shaped phenomena in the limestone), ponornice (underground rivers - the kras phenomena) and caves develop endemics and very old species.

One finds bears, wolf, lynx, wild cats, mountain birds. Out of many endemics one can single out: Mosor (Lacerta mosorensis) and Horvath's rock lizard (L. horvathi), sharp-snouted rock lizard (Lacerta oxycephala), the Bythinella velebitana snail, the Carabus velebiticus carabid. In the underground rivers flourish endemic fishes minnows (Phoxinus), such as croatian minnow (Paraphoxinus croaticus). In Mreznica and Dobra lives the Illyric dace (Leuciscus illyricus). The important cave species are olm (Proteus anguinus) and Nyphargus croaticus.

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