Other related information services
- Croatian Natural History Museum Web Service
- Central Biological Library of Faculty of Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
- Current Contents on line , Rugjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb
- Yahoo - Science:Biology
- Global Network Navigator Biology
- USGS Listing of Biology Resources
- Bioscience
- The WWW Virtual Library
- British Natural History Museum
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- World Conservation and Monitoring Center
- Natural History Bookstore
- Virtual Frog Dissection
- BIOSCI/bionet - Electronic News
- Biology Internet Resources
- Addresses of Biologists
- Bio-oriented Gophers
& Index (BOING)
- Zoological Record
- Australian Fauna
- Endangered & vulnerable species in Australia
- Biodiversity and Ecology
- German Biology Sites
- Institute of Arctic Biology
- University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ,Department of Biological Sciences
- Research School of Biological Sciences
Association of Systematics Collections
- Australian Biological Resources Study
Australian Biological Surveys (draft standard)
Biodiversity Information Network/Agenda 21 (BIN21)
- Base de Dados Tropical (Brazil)
Biodiversity authority files
Conservation On-line
Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service
Taxacom (Harvard University)
- Tropical Database (BDT), Brazil
US National Biological Survey
Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History
Guide to Online Resources for the Conservationist
Searchable Catalogs
- Searchable WWW Catalog at CUI, U.Geneva
- Form-based access to W3 Search Engines
- ArchiePlex (archie gateway)
- Veronica (Global Gopher Menu Searches)
- Experimental Searchable Index for the WWW VL Biosciences
- Biological Software and Data FTP Archives
- Finding Topics on the Internet (from Nova-Links)
Biodiversity software:
DELTA - DEscriptional Language for TAxonomy for PC
DIPLOMO - Phylogenetic Workbench for PC
CODA - Conservation Options and Decision Analysis