Sastoji se od plenarnih (do 45 min.) i uvodnih tematskih (do 25 min.) priopćenja, rasprava za okruglim stolom (do 2 sata), te kratkih usmenih (do 10 min.) i posterskih izlaganja. Tematske se sjednice održavaju istovremeno u četiri dvorane, pa će stoga pridržavanje satnice Programa omogućiti praćenje izlaganja prema izboru sudionika. Izlagatelji usmenih priopćenja moraju najaviti svoje izlaganje predsjedavateljima tematskih sjednica najmanje 5 min. prije početka sjednice. Ako koriste dijapozitive i/ili prozirnice trebaju ih predati, barem 15 min. prije sjednice, osobama zaduženima za projekcije. Uporabu video-uređaja ili LCD panela treba najaviti osoblju tehničke podrške najmaje 1 sat prije sjednice.Izlagatelji posterskih propćenja dužni su prema rasporedu i rednom broju naznačenom u Programu postaviti poster na stalke označene istim brojem koji su postavljeni u predvorju Kongresne dvorane. Poster treba postaviti naznačenog dana do 9.00 sati, a skinuti istoga dana do 21.00 sat. Autori su obavezni biti uz svoje postere tijekom prijepodnevnoga (od 11.00 do 11.30 sati) i poslijepodnevnog (od 18.30 do 19.00 sati) razgledavanja postera, te prisustvovati raspravi (od 19.00 do 19.30) prema Programu.

Consists of plenary lectures (45 min), introductory thematic presentations (25 min), round table discussions (2 hours), and short oral (10 min) and posters communications. The thematic sessions will proceed simultaneously in four lecture rooms. Thus, the strict abide by the time table of the Program would enable optional attendance to the presentations. Speakers are advised to confirm their presentation to the chairmen of the thematic sessions at least 5 min before the session. The slides and/or transparencies must be submitted to the persons authorized for the projections at least 15 min before the session. The use of video or LCD panel should be announced to the technical stuff at least 1 hour before the session.Authors of posters are advised to display their poster according to the schedule and the number in the Program. The poster should be mounted onto a display board (located in the lobby of the Congress Hall) labelled with the same number as indicated in the Program. The poster must be displayed on the scheduled day from 9:00 a.m., and must be removed the same day by 9:00 p.m. The authors should be available by their posters during the poster viewing in the morning (from 11:00 to 11:30 hours) and in the afternoon (from 6:30 to 7:00 hours), and attended the poster discussion (from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m.) according to the Program.