Kongresno središte Rad Kongresa odvijat će se u kongresnom središtu hotela Adriatic u Opatiji. | Congress venue The Congress will take place at the Congress Center of the Adriatic Hotel in Opatija. |
Kongresni ured Nalazi se u predvorju Kongresne dvorane hotela "Adriatic". Radit će od nedjelje 21. rujna 1997. godine od 12 do 21 sat, a tijekom Kongresa od 8 do 20 sati. |
Registration desk Is located in the lobby of Conress Hall of the Adriatic Hotel. Opening hours are from 12:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 21, 1997, and thereafter during the Congress from 08:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. |
Kongresni materijali Bit će uručeni sudionicima u Kongresnom uredu nakon prijave i predočenja preslike uplatnice kotizacije. Kotizacija se može uplatiti (700 Kn za sudionike, 350 za sudionike mlađe od 25 godina, umirovljenike ili nezaposlenike, a 550 Kn za osobe u pratnji) u Kongresnom uredu. Mole se sudionici da tijekom Kongresa nose Kongresnu oznaku da bi mogli sudjelovati u znanstvenom i društvenom dijelu Programa. Boje Kongresnih oznaka jesu: - plava: sudionici i osobe u pratnji, - crvena: Organizacijski odbor, - žuta: tehnička podrška. |
Congress documentation Will be given to the participants at the Registration desk. Participants are requested to show a copy of payment of the registration fee. The registration fee can be paid (700 Kn for participants, 350 Kn for the participants under 25 years, retired, or unemployed, and 550 Kn for accompanying persons) on the spot. Participants are kindly requested to wear their Congress badge throughout the Congress in order to be admitted to the scientific sessions and all social events of the Program. Badge colors are: - blue: participants and accompanying persons, - red: Organizing Committee, - yellow: technical support. |
Smještaj Sudioniici koji žele rezervirati smještaj u hotelu "Adriatic" moraju poslati priloženi Obrazac za rezervaciju smještaja izravno hotelu do 01. rujna 1997. | Accommodation Participants who require the reservation of accommodation in the Adriatic Hotel are requested to send the enclosed Accommodation Form to the Hotel by September 1, 1997. |
Konačna prijava Sudionici trebaju ispuniti i poslati priloženi Obrazac za konačnu prijavu Tajništvu Kongresa do 31. svibnja 1997. | Registration Participants should complete and returned enclosed Registration Form to the Congress Secretariat by May 31, 1997. |
Izložbe Izlaganje proizvoda sponzora Kongresa održat će se u predvorju Kongresne dvorane. Otvorenje izložbe "Neptunove minijature" autora Andreja Jaklina održat će se u ponedjeljak, 22. rujna 1997. godine u 15.00 sati. | Exhibitions Exhibitions by the Congress sponsors are located in the lobby of the Congress Hall.Opening of the exhibition "Neptune's miniatures" by the author Andrej Jaklin will take place on Monday, September 22, 1997 at 3:00 p.m. |
Uplatu treba doznačiti posredstvom banke (presliku uplatnice predočiti na Kongresu) na adresu: | All payments should be made by bank transfer (copy of payment submit at the Congress) to address: |
Rooseveltov trg 6, Zagreb
žiro račun broj/account number
ili pak kotizaciju izravno platiti na Kongresu. | or pay directly on registration site at the Congress. |
Kotizacija uključuje: | Registration fee covers: |
sudjelovanje u radu Kongresa kongresne materijale i Zbornik sažetaka priopćenja društvene događaje:
| admission to all scientific sessions congress documentation incl. the Proceedings of Abstracts social events:
Kotizacija za osobe u pratnji uključuje sve društvene događaje. | Registration fee for accompanying persons covers all social events. |